Case Presentations

Check out before and after images of different treatments by Toheed

Case 1​

Broken Premolar Tooth replaced by Dental Implant
X-Ray of Broken Premolar Tooth
Intra-oral Image
Uncovering of Implant prior to fitting of crown
X-Ray of Implant Crown

Case 2

Upper failing teeth replaced with fixed implant bridge

Case 3

Upper and lower failing teeth and loose dentures replaced by fixed upper and lower implant bridges

Case 4

Failing Upper Teeth Replaced By Full Arch Bridge​

Pre-operative Picture

Post-operative Picture

Case 5

Upper and lower loose teeth replaced by fixed arch implant bridges

Case 6

Upper failing loose teeth replaced by fixed implant bridge

Case 7

Upper loose denture stabilised by four dental implants
Four denture locators in place
Fitting Surface of denture
Polished Surface of denture
X-Ray of dental implant placements
Final Result: Patient wearing denture

Case 8

Upper Implant Bridge replacing a partial denture​
Removable denture replacing upper four front teeth
Four unit implant retained bridge to replace denture
Implant bridge in position
X-Ray of the four unit implant bridge

Case 9

Two broken lower back (posterior) teeth and one missing molar replaced by a combination of root canal treatments, crowns, and dental implant.
Pre-operative X-ray displaying broken molar and broken pre-molar
Intra-oral picture of broken teeth and missing molar
Teeth restored with a single dental implant and two root canal treatments and canals

Case 10

Sinus Lift & Implant Placement
Pre-operative picture of missing pre-molar tooth
X-Ray of gap showing reduced bone height
Post-operative picture of pre-molar implant crown
Pre-treatment X-Ray
Post-treatment X-Ray displaying sinus lift to increase bone height and implant placement

Case 11

Fixed Upper Teeth in a Day
Pre-surgery picture of last four remaining upper teeth
Upper Full Arch Bridge fitted on same day as extraction of teeth and placement of implants

Case 12

Fixed Upper Teeth in a Day
Pre-surgery picture 1
Pre-surgery picture 2
Immediate fixed bridge on same day as implant placements
Immediate fixed bridge on same day as implant placements
Final result on day of implant placements

Case 13

Dental implant replacing missing front tooth
Missing upper right lateral incisor
Missing upper right lateral incisor
Implant crown on model prior to fitting
Implant crown fitted
Patient's smile restored